Special bending jobs of extruted aluminium (anodyzed, electrocoloured, pre-painted, woodenaluminium), carbon steel and stainless steel, light alloys (copper, brass), extruted PVC, of several sections (opened, closed, thermal cut and regular tubulars).

The application sectors are multiple, from building to industrial and building furnishing (doors, windows, portholes, helical stairs, curtain walls, swimming pool covers, tunnels, canopies, hermetic and sterile greenhouses).

Over 7000 extruted profiles have been bent and tested, thanks to a technologically advanced line of universal and fixed bending machines that ensure high precision and elegance of the curved profiles, in these different models:

MCONDA – MC5X5 – MC3X4AL-PVC – MC3X4 – MC3X3 – MC2000 – MC82T – MC94 – MC92 – MC1000/2M – MC1000/1M – MEX300.